Stig Persson

Stig Persson – Solo Exhibition

Stig Persson works with a strictly abstract constructivist and minimalist expression in his glass works, which occasionally contains reminiscences of identifiable surroundings. The experience af the individual work rests on repetition, i.e. repeated shapes of circles, squares, rectangles, or cylinders. Whether the shapes are made flat or plastically cast, they are always defined within a strictly geometric framework of constellations of these basic shapes, often placed inside one another.

His works are solid cast glass, and yet the material is fragile. This wonderful, complex contrast reinforces the constructivist and abstract expression that has been a common thread throughout Stig’s 30-year career. His works have been acquired by Albert & Victoria, London, and Hempel Glasmuseum, Denmark, among others, and in 2022 his works have also been added to the collections of The Veste Coburg Art Collections at the European Museum for Modern Glass in Germany, National Nordic Museum in Seattle and The Lowe Art Museum in Miami.

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