Stig Persson

Stig Persson

The Constructivist

With a minimalist, constructivist approach, Stig Persson's glass works emphasize the delicate balance between strength and fragility. This contrast has been a defining element of his abstract style over three decades.

stig glassculpture incl shaddow small
stig glassculpture incl shaddow
stig glassculpture incl shaddow
Marek Brincko

Marek Brincko

The Bee Whisperer

The hexagonal symmetry of bees' honeycombs serves as inspiration for the Slovakian artist Marek Brincko, who uses real honeycombs, collected from bee swarms, in his glass sculptures.

brincko glassculpture incl shadow
brincko glassculpture incl shadow
brincko glassculpture incl shadow
Vaclav Rezac

Václav Řezáč

Chance in Time

The work by Václav Řezáč reflects the soul's depths, capturing chance in time. He does not seek inspiration on the surface but in what is hidden beneath, inside the shape, and not visible to the naked eye.

rezac glassculpture incl shadow
rezac glassculpture incl shadow
rezac glassculpture incl shadow
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